Making classrooms a class apart

About Smita

Smita is a program SHIF runs in the rural government schools. We nurture it with great care. Not to take baby steps, but a leap of ambition. From the current 246 schools under the program, we plan to double it to 500 by CY 2025.

Program Scope

At the heart of the Smita program are three powerful initiatives
to transform the way children learn in government schools:

Digital classrooms

Digital classrooms to make learning come alive

Learning comes to life when a child learns from different sources, not just textbooks and teachers. Smita creates a digital classroom in each school with Smart TV and internet connectivity.

Rooftop solar panels

Rooftop solar panels to power the digital classrooms

Why should irregular power supply interrupt digital learning? We place solar panels on the school rooftops and let the power of the sun run the digital classroom.

Energy & Environment Conservation Education program

Energy & Environment Conservation Education to sensitize students

Global warming and depleting natural resources are a threat the children must be aware of. This is done with the help of the Energy & Environment Conservation Education program which holds learning sessions, interactive activities, skill building competition to transform students into Green Ambassadors.

SHIF Vision


Like all things begin small, so did SHIF. Started as a pilot project in 2015, it spread like laughter in a silent valley. The tune of a passion slowly built into a crescendo of epic ambition. Why not the whole of India? And why just solar power? Why not digital power to thriving young minds?

How we translate this vision:
  • Making digital education available to young eager minds, so that their learning can thrive. To ensure learning never stops in regions of irregular power supply, use solar power to run these digital tools.
  • Sensitizing them about the need to preserve the environment with the help of the Conservation of Energy & Environment Education Programme. Not just in theory. Students are involved in turning them into ‘Green Ambassadors’.
Mission for CY 2025
SHIF Mission
Program Flow
Flow 1 Flow 2 Flow 3 Flow 4 Flow 5 Flow 6 Flow 7
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